

Blood Analysis

May 9, 2023

“Just ordered another blood work lab test and looking forward to analysing the report.

Working alongside the national health service GPs to support the health & wellbeing of my clients in practice is the difference that makes a difference.

The blood is like a compass to pinpoint the problem and then we can intervene with nutritional and functional medicine to help alleviate diseased health problems, rejuvenate those who need it and more so help good people become better vibrant people.

Getting healthier together.”

Keep health the main thing,

Keep health the main thing,

It’s been a medicine and a priority for centuries since life on earth was designed by mother nature for us yet often swept under the rug or overlooked for more sexier things.

Dysfunctional hormones are like a red marker on a car dashboard.

Dysfunctional hormones are like a red marker on a car dashboard.

It’s trying to tell us to slow down. It was February 2017 and I had a contact get in touch for me to go and see them. They had been cleaning up their nutrition, health and lifestyle and all of a sudden had hit a stumbling block. There was something not right here. A...